Xuzhou Jiuyi Health Center Organizes the Elderly to Admire Flowers and Go for an Outing in Spring

Release Date: 2018/03/09  Hits:1558

Fragrance of apricot flowers extends ten miles, and respect for the old is like fragrance of flowers. In early spring in Xuzhou, on the bank of beautiful Yunlong Lake, everything is overflowing with vigour. In the apricot flowers long corridor that extends ten miles on the east bank of Yunlong Lake, more than ten thousands apricot trees are flowering. These apricot flowers, together with peach willows on the lake bank, look like a "Spring Herald" picture of Xuzhou. On 18 March 2017, some special guests visited ten-mile apricot flower fields. They were old comrades that would live in Xuzhou Jiuyi Health Center. Dozens of senior citizens in good health, accompanied by employees of Jiuyi and public welfare volunteers, appreciated spring scenery on the lakeshore on such a radiant and enchanting spring day. They expressed their love for the affluent and beautiful life.


Old comrades were in high spirits, talking and laughing all the way. In the flower sea where swallows were hanging on the willows and apricot flowers were flying like snow, senior citizens’ happiness can be obviously felt. In a good mood, the elderly were bathed in the spring scenery of Xuzhou, breathing fresh air of the nature, leisurely walking in the apricot flower woods, and feeling fragrance of flowers and spring. Volunteers enthusiastically chatted with the elderly and took photos for them. Seeing genuine smiles of the elderly, volunteers thought that everything they have done is meaningful. Many senior citizens said, "Living in Jiuyi is a happy thing. We can go out to take exercise and see the scenery. We feel happy and we are more healthy. Thank Jiuyi Health Center for its care for our old people."


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"Never say too late because of old age. Even at twilight the sky is still full of sunshine." The elderly is closely linked with social development. Improving life quality of the elderly is the collective responsibility of the society. "Piety is the foundation of all virtues." Piety is associated with harmony and love. The Yunlong Lake admiring flowers and spring outing activity organized by Xuzhou Jiuyi Health Center carried forward Chinese virtue of respect for the aged, enriched spiritual and cultural life of the elderly, brought the elderly physical and mental pleasure, and enhanced communication among the aged. It also provided an opportunity for them to get close to the nature and let the elderly feel that senior citizens' life is very beautiful in a harmonious society.
